June 24, 2012

Will's Precocious Talent

by Imelda Ulangca-Formoso

Three years ago today, I gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby boy. In that precious moment, I was overwhelmed with so much love that I hoped I will do right by him. By this, I wanted to give him everything and for him to grow to live a happy and wholesome life. I am so grateful to be blessed with a wonderful and joyful child; just watching him grow so quickly has been amazing for me.

I realized my son had a gift when he began to recognize his alphabets, primary colors, and shapes before he even turned one.  Not only that, but he started to count from one to 20 in both Spanish and Ilocano. By this time, I introduced him to YouTube where he was able to watch children videos and nursery rhymes. At the age of two, he began to name all the planets in order from the Sun. He then advanced to reading and counting to 100. But with all this, what astounded me most was that he self-taught all that he’s learned. I joke with everyone saying that all William needs is his iPad, because he could probably teach himself a new lesson in no time. Being such a tech-savvy toddler, he navigates himself between applications on the iPad. He has an amazing photographic memory. Once William is introduced to an object, he will always try to identify it. He’s like a little sponge, picking up things so quickly. 

Early this year, he amazed us by locating all the states on the map. He progressed himself even further by taking on the countries and continents of the world. Being so unsolicited, he surprises us so much!  One day after giving him a bath, he babbled out the US Presidents in chronological order. I couldn’t believe it myself, so much that I printed a list of the US Presidents just to see if he was right.  Lo and behold, he most definitely was. 

Being such a proud mother of a happy and healthy boy is what I am so grateful the most; I am so excited what he’s capable of doing next!

Watch William's video naming the US Presidents in chronological order

Below is the list of all 44 US Presidents (and the years they were in office) if you want to check against William's version:

1.    1789-1797    George Washington
2.    1797-1801    John Adams
3.    1801-1809    Thomas Jefferson
4.    1809-1817    James Madison
5.    1817-1825    James Monroe
6.    1825-1829    John Quincy Adams
7.    1829-1837    Andrew Jackson
8.    1837-1841    Martin Van Buren
9.    1841              William Henry Harrison
10.  1841-1845    John Tyler
11.  1845-1849    James Polk
12.  1849-1850    Zachary Taylor
13.  1850-1853    Millard Fillmore
14.  1853-1857    Franklin Pierce
15.  1857-1861    James Buchanan
16.  1861-1865    Abraham Lincoln
17.  1865-1869    Andrew Johnson
18.  1869-1877    Ulysses S. Grant
19.  1877-1881    Rutherford B. Hayes
20.  1881              James A. Garfield
21.  1881-1885    Chester Alan Arthur
22.  1885-1889    Grover Cleveland
23.  1889-1893    Benjamin Harrison
24.  1893-1897    Grover Cleveland
25.  1897-1901    William McKinley
26.  1901-1909    Theodore Roosevelt
27.  1909-1913    William Howard Taft
28.  1913-1921    Woodrow Wilson
29.  1921-1923    Warren G. Harding
30.  1923-1929    Calvin Coolidge
31.  1929-1933    Herbert Hoover
32.  1933-1945    Franklin D. Roosevelt
33.  1945-1953    Harry S Truman
34.  1953-1961    Dwight D. Eisenhower
35.  1961-1963    John F. Kennedy
36.  1963-1969    Lyndon Johnson
37.  1969-1974    Richard Nixon
38.  1974-1977    Gerald Ford
39.  1977-1981    Jimmy Carter
40.  1981-1989    Ronald Reagan
41.  1989-1993    George Bush
42.  1993-2001    Bill Clinton
43.  2001-2009    George W. Bush
44.  2009-             Barack Obama

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