July 20, 2012

TMI Batch67 Reunion

by Bart Concepcion
(as published 3 years ago in MVP)

Great re-union…great photos… great fun…Sadly though the passage of time manifest its toll on receding hairlines, greying hair (or no hair at all), discernible wrinkles, protruding midsections..etc. But despite all this, we are still young at heart!

It has been a very memorable get together for all of us. After more than four decades of not seeing each other, we can still remember each other names. Though unfortunately when we finally met in person we can hardly recognize each others faces. The name tags are prepared and ready to give out, but we don’t know who to give them to. We have to ask each person who they are.

I think we have to thank many for making the successful get together possible. At the risk of missing some who worked hard to make the reunion a success, I believe we have to express our gratitude to the following:

* Tante Urban Sr. for orchestrating the whole thing from start to finish, his endless follow up with our classmates was greatly appreciated.
* Our planning committee in Hawaii and in Mainland.
* Our PI group headed by Munec T. Castro for organizing everything in the Phils.

Also, we would like to extend our appreciation to Mayor Arlene Favis and Vice Mayor Alfonso Favis for letting our group join them at their beach resort in Pagsana-an on our second day of the re-union. Our group enjoyed it very much especially with all the great food that was served.

For those batchmates who were not able to come this year, we hope you can join us in 2 years time for another great get together in 2011. God willing.

You can also visit our batch blogspot here.

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