June 8, 2012

The Land of the Long White Cloud

by Felicidad Unciano-Udarbe
(as published 4 years ago in MVP)

With my hubby, Pablo Udarbe Jr, and my son Rio Daniel at Huka Falls

It was always been my dream country. This is one of the reasons why I pursue Dairy Technology as my area of specialization in my Baccalaureate degree in Agriculture at the University of the Phils. Los BaƱos. I kept on telling to myself then, “ Uray ta ti arapaap ket awan met bayad na”.

Yes, New Zealand was always in my young and  ambitious mind since my high school days. My high school teacher, Dr. Remedios Navarro who happened to study at Wellington University, kept on narrating things about New Zealand until what I can picture in my mind about New Zealand - a PARADISE country. And so I told myself  “someday I will go to that paradise in the Southern Hemisphere!” Now, I am here to tell you about this dream country which I thought before as an elusive one…

New Zealand is the youngest country on earth- actually the last landfall before Antarctica (South Pole). The name New Zealand  (Aotearoa) is a Maori word which means “Land of the Long White Cloud”. Only a thousand years ago, Maori became the first people to migrate in New Zealand . They might have seen the southern alps ( as we now know) with the snow glistening just like a long white cloud. Since that time, people have come around the globe to settle here making the New Zealand society multi-cultural, diverse and fascinating. Majority of Kiwis (other term for New Zealanders) are of British descent and the largest minority are the indigenous Maori which comprises 14 % of the total population.

The pristine waters of Huka Falls

New Zealand has 3 main islands, the north, the south and Stewart Island. It has a population of only more than 4 million, three times smaller than Metro Manila’s total population of more than 12 million. This is so amazing because it has a land area of 270,534 sq. kms which is just a little bit smaller than the Philippines’ 298, 170 sq. kms. (this is the reason why our nearest neighbour is almost half kilometre away!).

The scenery in New Zealand is as good and sometimes even better than what you would expect to see in Europe. If you have seen the movie, Lord of the Rings, you have seen maybe 25% of New Zealand . One of the tourist spots here is the well known Huka Falls which is located in Taupo, the first town where we lived. It is a part of the longest river in New Zealand, the Waikato River.

The tallest mountain in Australasia, Mt. Cook at 12,349 feet was named after the man that discovered New Zealand ,Captain James Cook. Some of the world’s best mountain climbers have scaled the summit of Mt. Cook. Actually, Sir Edmund Hillary, the first man to stand on the top of the world (Mt. Everest) is a Kiwi.

Mt Cook with Lake Pukaki in the foreground

New Zealand’s farms are among the most productive in the world owing this to the extensive use of high-technology methods and machinery and the country’s mild, moist climate. Rainfall is spread throughout the year, which means that rich pasture is always available to feed the sheep and  beef and dairy cattle that are the main source of New Zealand’s wealth. In 2005, New Zealand  has 10 million cattle and about 40 million sheep!

I had been staying here for just more than a year but I came to love this country not only because of its splendour and  beauty but what made me more fascinated is the honesty of Kiwis in general. One time, I was in an electronics shop and bought a stuff there. After taking the item with me, I left the shop and went right away to the New Zealand Post Shop. When  I took out my wallet from my bag, I realized that my EFTPOS card was not there. I hurried back to the electronics shop, nervous and praying that I did not lose it. However, I have not entered the self-opening doors yet and here was the staff who entertained me rushing to my direction and handed my card to me. Oh, what a relief! (anyway, for those who do not know yet, an EFTPOS card is the one that is being swiped to a machine to purchase goods/things instead of cash and is different from a credit card). And there are lots of circumstances wherein I was able to prove the honesty of Kiwis and in my opinion they are the nicest and most hospitable English speaking people.

Rio Daniel with a flock of sheep on his background

How I really wish, Filipinos will still value honesty. For sure our deeply-ingrained problem of rampant graft and corruption in our country will be solved. And I hope, this very important virtue will still be embraced and appreciated by all our kababayans in  Magsingal wherever they are and whatever they might become.

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