June 6, 2012

Panay Global Association

by Rochelle Ursula Ugale Uganiza
(as published 3 years ago in MVP)

PGA meeting in the Philippines

The Panay Global Association (PGA) held its first biennial reunion in the Philippines in March 2007 in conjunction with the Panay Barangay Barrio Fiesta.  It was a time to rekindle our relationships with relatives and friends, and to reminisce of fond memories.  It was also decided to launch our fundraising project, the Popularity Contest for Mrs. Panay Global. This celebration gave us an opportunity to showcase our rich cultural heritage. The first night was Barangay Night, which was enjoyed by numerous balikbayans as well as the community.  The highlight of the occasion was the second night, the coronation of Her Majesty Queen, Joann Ugale Tabudlo (Oahu, Hawaii), 1st Princess Tina Ujano Sumabat (California), and 2nd Princess Edna Caro (Maui, Hawaii).  Everyone danced the night away to the melodious sounds performed by a popular combo.  The well-liked Zarzuela by Paat Dramatic Troupe from Balaleng, Bantay, Ilocos Sur performed on the third night.  Numerous spectators immensely enjoyed their presentation.  Basketball inter-sitio contest was also held in the afternoons.  The excitement was overwhelming.  It was a fiesta that will be remembered by all.

Amazingly, the result of our first fundraising project was an enormous success!  Our mission to enhance the quality of life in our land of birth had finally come to fruition.  At the conclusion of the barrio fiesta, we commenced the cementing of the road in Panay Norte, utilizing partial proceeds of the popularity contest.  The bayanihan spirit and tradition of working together is very much alive in Panay!  The PGA bought all the materials needed, and the Municipality of Magsingal graded the road prior to having it cemented. The arduous task was spearheaded by our hardworking Panay Norte and Panay Sur Barangay Captains, Antonio Rumias and Martin Tenoso respectively, who, along with the community people, worked harmoniously in cementing the road.  Two existing box culverts were made wider and more durable to avoid flooding of the road during heavy rains.  Despite their bodies and faces drenched with perspiration due to the extreme heat of the sun, the workers still shared a smile whenever I checked on their progress.

PGA received a resolution letter from the Panay community asking PGA to donate a Home Economics building.  In response, the construction of the building was done concurrently with the cementing of the road.  Generous donations from the officers and members of PGA, and partial proceeds of the popularity contest enabled us to donate eight thousand five hundred dollars ($8,500.00) for the materials needed for its construction.  Our Magsingal Mayor, Arlyn Favis willingly donated twenty thousand pesos (P20, 000.00) to defray the cost of labor for three skilled workers, and parents of the school children provided additional assistance.  They toiled for three months to complete its construction.  Accordingly, the names of these generous donors, categorized according to the amount of donation, along with PGA members’ names, are etched on granite stones currently displayed on the Home Economics building’s wall.

Ground breaking for the Home Economics building

Home Economics building (Front)

Home Economics building (Side)

Our enthusiasm to continue our long-term project of improving the road propelled us to have our second biennial in February 2009.  The popularity contest, Mrs. Panay Global 2009-2011 was vied by representatives from California, Maui, Hawaii and Honolulu, Hawaii.  Social boxes up for bid were three roasted pigs (lechon), two live goats, and roasted chickens.  Lechon was served to the public after the last canvassing.  Again, our fundraising project was a resounding success!  We raised more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00).  Once again, Barangay Night was celebrated on the first night. The second night was the coronation of Her Majesty Queen, Helen Ursua Ugale, 1st Princess Jonalyn Ugale Padron and 2nd Princess Lea Ujano Tabin.  Everyone enjoyed dancing to the upbeat sounds of Music Con Amore Combo.  The presence of DI’s (Dance Instructors) especially made this festive event fun and enjoyable.  Gay Night was held on the final night and attracted a huge, boisterous audience.  Fourteen contestants from different towns vied for the title, Miss Gay 2009.  Every now and then the audience roared with laughter as the contestants emerged from the stage.  It was such an exhilarating reunion!

Gay Night panel of judges (Magda Lazo & rep from Italy are not in the picture)

Induction of officers 2009-2011 (Some couldn't attend due to work schedule)

The cementing of the road began the day after our second biennial reunion celebration.  Once again proceeds from the popularity contest enabled us to purchase all the materials needed.  We were fortunate that the Municipality of Magsingal was always willing to grade the road before being cemented. Again, the bayanihan spirit of working together came into play.  Both Barangay Captains, along with their respective barrio councils and residents, worked together in cementing the road.  Panay Sur and Panay Norte cemented their own roads simultaneously.  In Panay Norte, a section of the road needed riprap on both sides to avoid erosion, which consumed a lot of boulders and cements.  If combined, approximately more than one kilometer of the road has been cemented.

Being aware of the calamitous conditions of the Parada road, a generous member, Rudy Paa of Maui, volunteered to donate one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) worth of sand and gravel to cover the potholes.  Hats off to you, Rudy!  We sincerely appreciate your altruistic deed.

The PGA is also providing scholarship grants to less privileged, but deserving students through individual sponsorship.  Mary Joy Acerador, (a sophomore) is currently enrolled at the University of Northern Philippines majoring in Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).  Her sponsor is Mrs. Pacita Roldan Serrano.  Jennifer Tabieros is a third year high school student sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo Ugale. Thank you to our   generous sponsors.

The achievements of our projects were made possible through the collaborative efforts, cooperation and sacrifices of the officers and members of the Panay Global Association, the Panay community and the Municipality of Magsingal. The credit belongs to all of them and I sincerely thank them for their overwhelming support.

I would like to commend two key individuals:  incoming President Fred Panlasigui, of California (who was also our former 1st Vice President); and incoming 1st Vice President Marlin Ujano Cachola, of Maui, Hawaii (who was also our former 2nd Vice President).  They both played vital roles in our fundraising projects and reunions.  I am truly grateful for their phenomenal dedication and commitment to a worthy cause.

A warm thank you to our PGA Queens and Princesses. They were the “pillars” of our fundraising projects, and their participation exemplified their devotion in promoting our rich cultural heritage.  They all did a marvelous job!

Sincerest gratitude goes out to our beloved Magsingal Mayor, Arlyn Favis and Vice Mayor Alfonso Favis, Jr., for lending us all the machineries (grader, loader, mixers, etc.), and the manpower in preparing the road before being cemented.  Thank you to Alrico Favis for supplying us with boulders at a reasonable price.  He also negotiated cheaper cost of cements from Kamball Lumber.  Thank you to Sanggunian Bayan, Ben Battad for sharing his expertise in cementing the road.  We could not have done these projects without their tremendous support and generosity.

Thank you to all our advertisers, supporters, sponsors, generous donors for the Home Economics building, Barangay Captains and their respective barrio councils, the whole Panay populace and those who willingly shared their invaluable time and effort which contributed to the success of our fundraising projects and biennial reunions.

Purchasing all the materials needed, and having to supervise these projects simultaneously was a strenuous and tedious task.  However, the experience was extremely worthwhile.  It is the best feeling being a part of giving back to the community and serving my land of birth. In the process, I gained knowledge on how to cement the road, but most importantly, I forged closer relationships with those people involved.  It was gratifying and edifying to my spirit to hear words of appreciation from the community for PGA’s feat in making Panay a better place to live in.  I will always value this most rewarding experience.

It has truly been an honor and a pleasure serving the Panay Global Association as its president for the past four years.  My heart is filled with pride as I look back at PGA’s accomplishments.  All these accomplishments are a testament of our unity, hard work and perseverance, as well as a legacy to bequeath from one generation to the next.  I hope by reading this article, descendants of Panay (who are not yet members) are encouraged to join PGA.  Let us support our new set of officers, reaffirm our vision, be united as a TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More) and continue working together diligently for the enhancement of Panay.  Henry Ford, an American, founder of the Ford Motor Company once said, “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.”

PGA meeting with the Panay community

Box culvert #1

Box culvert #2

Finished box culvert #2

Riprapped both sides of the road

Opening of the road after 30 days curing period

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