July 2, 2012

My Family

by Mabes Luczon
(as published 4 years ago in MVP)

A group, a cousin, or just a friend
Doesn’t matter which they are as long as they defend
And accept the person you truly are,
Like you are part of their family, someone whom they love, their shining star

Amanda, Benito, and Shieryl Luczon
Are three people I have loved since the day I was born
Three people who show the meaning of love and respect
Two words I will never forget and never neglect
For they show love and respect every single day
By simply dropping me to work or calling my cell to see if I am okay
Three wonderful people to whom I want to say,
“I love you, very much” every single day
And every single day is a challenge to overcome
Part of life’s great mysteries to help you blossom
Into a strong person, one who perseveres
Through a test called life to which we must adhere
And who better to overcome challenges with
Than a loving cousin and a best friend
Two girls I have grown up with, two girls I can depend
On being my two shoulders when I need to cry
Two girls who will never let me down and never deny
Our friendship, which has lasted for as long as twelve years
Christine and Angelica, trustworthy and sincere

A mother, a father, a sister, a cousin and best friend
Are all part of my family because they defend
And accept me for who I truly am,
Their daughter, sister, cousin and friend till the end

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