August 11, 2012

Maas-asin Elementary School Wash Tube Project of the Rotary Club

by Leila Isaguirre Malamug

In front of the main building of the school

The Rotary Club of Magsingal North Ilocos Sur (RCMNIS), together with The Rotary Club of Vigan, went beyond their usual way to reach out to the residents of Barangay Maas-asin.  Maas-asin is one of the remote barrios of Magsingal, Ilocos Sur.  To reach the place, one has to cross a river and trek a hill.  Access to safe drinking water is a luxury to most residents of the area.  To help alleviate this problem, on July 17, 2012 the Rotarians went to install a Wash Tube at Maas-asin Elementary School.

The Wash Tube uses reverse osmosis to filter the impurities of the water. With the help of ultraviolet rays (UV), it kills microorganisms that cause water-borne diseases, wherein diarrhea and amoebiasis are the most common ones.

The Rotarians also conducted a brief lecture to the pupils about proper hand washing and sanitation.

Notwithstanding the heat of the sun and the long walk back home, the Rotarians felt nothing but a different sense of fulfilment with the smiles of the pupils, teachers and other residents of Barangay Maas-asin, for the gift of safe drinking water.

By: Leila Isaguirre Malamug
President-RCMNIS 2012-2013
District 3790

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